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Just Vitamins' Antarctic Krill Oil supplier A rated for sustainability

2 min read

Krill harvester Aker Biomarine, supplier of Just Vitamins' Antarctic Red Krill Oil has received an A rating for its fishery sustainability for a fifth year in a row, which means its krill fishery is in very good condition.

The rating has been received from the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), an independent non-profit organisation that evaluates the sustainability of global fisheries. Annually, the SFP releases a Reduction Fisheries Sustainability Overview which analyses reduction fishery stocks worldwide.

The SFP 2019 reduction fisheries report assessed 26 reduction fisheries and showed that 88% of the catch comes from fisheries that are "reasonably well managed". The full report can be read here.

Krill populations are thriving

This follows recent reports of research that has found more Krill in the Antarctic Peninsula than in the last major krill survey which happened back in 2000. This research was led by The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and provides some fantastic news for krill populations.

Antarctic Krill lives in a specific range of cold water temperatures, up to minus 5 degrees celsius and is a vital component of the Antarctic ecosystem. It is forms the basis of the food chain for a lot of marine life but it also harvested for supplements for human consumption due to its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. 

Commitment to conservation of the krill eco-system

Subsequently, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) committee met in Hobart, Tasmania where the IMR report was discussed. Runa Haug Khoury, sustainability director for Aker Biomarine, told

"The report's result is very good news and confirms that the biomass is healthy and voluntary measures are working. This does not change the quota but it underpins that the fishers are sustainable."

"Aker Biomarine is committed to conserving the krill eco-system for both human and planetary health. These new krill population estimates show that the conservation measures driven by the CCAMLR community of regulators, scientists and efforts by industry are working well to sustain healthy krill levels."

"To us, it makes no sense to take something out of the ocean to improve world health, if it simultaneously compromises the health of the ocean."

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